
I am an NLP data scientist working for a tech start-up in Boston, MA. I have completed my masters in Data Science from Duke University & am passionate about ML.

The RepTrak Company

Duke University

srishtisaha.2809's Spectra articles
Srishti Saha
Text Generation Models - Introduction and a Demo using the GPT-J model
Text Generation Models - Introduction and a Demo using the GPT-J model
The below article describes the mechanism of text generation models. We cover the basic model like Markov Chains as well the more advanced deep learning models. We also give a demo of domain-specific text generation using the latest GPT-J model.
26 points
0 issues
Information Theory in Machine Learning
Information Theory in Machine Learning
This review gives a comprehensive study of application of information theory in Machine Learning methods and algorithms.
6 points
0 issues
BERTopic - A Neural Topic Modelling framework for Guided Topic Extraction
BERTopic - A Neural Topic Modelling framework for Guided Topic Extraction
The article simplifies and tries to describe the novel state-of-the-art technique for topic modelling - BERTopic. It is a breakdown of the paper on the same topic by Maarten Grootendorst.
7 points
0 issues
Srishti Saha
High Dimension Data Analysis - A tutorial and review for Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
High Dimension Data Analysis - A tutorial and review for Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
This article explains and provides a comparative study of a few techniques for dimensionality reduction. It dives into the mathematical explanation of several feature selection and feature transformation techniques, while also providing the algorithmic representation and implementation of some other techniques. Lastly, it also provides a very brief review of various other works done in this space.
29 points
0 issues